Friday, September 01, 2017

Student Discipleship Guide from RYM

John Perritt and Josh Byers of RYM have created an excellent guide for discipling students using solid gospel-centered Christian books.

I really like how clear it is with easy-to-follow instructions and graphics, including the covers of the books for quick identification.

The best news is that this guide is absolutely free!

They write:
As Christians, we are to pass the faith on to the next generation.  Whether we are parents or grandparents, church staff or volunteers, we have been tasked to make disciples (Matthew 28:19).  One of the primary ways we can be discipling the next generation is by encouraging them to be readers.
We serve a God who created all things by using words (Genesis 1-2) and a Savior who calls himself the Living Word (John 1:1-14).  Christians are also called to be a people of the Word and to meditate upon God’s Word day and night (Psalm 1).
Not only should we – and our children – feed upon God’s Word, but we should also be feeding upon other words.  That is, we should be reading.  We should be reading theological books, classics, fiction, etc.  Teaching our children to be readers in many different genres and categories will foster a deeper appreciation for the various genres and categories found in Scripture.
However, simply saying that we should disciple our students to be readers can seem like a daunting task.  Where do we begin?  What books should we focus on?  At what ages should this begin?  These questions led to the creation of the following plan.
I was greatly encouragement to find that they had listed Resisting Gossip as a suggested book for 10th graders to read (see pg. 9 of the PDF version).

It's easy to recommend this resource to anyone who has or works with teens. Check it out at RYM's website.