Resisting Gossip Live Seminar
I would enjoy talking to your church or organization about resisting gossip.
Few things are more destructive to healthy relational dynamics than gossip, yet sadly, there are even fewer resources available for curtailing it.
To fill that need, I’ve designed a fun, energetic, and informative seminar that takes the biblical principles found in my book, Resisting Gossip, and presents them to groups in a live, interactive format.
The Resisting Gossip Seminar can be tailored to the specific needs of your group or event. I can do an abbreviated version in one hour or less, a full weekend-length mini-conference, or something else customized for your group’s particular needs.
One convenient format is a Saturday morning seminar for all Christians on resisting gossip with a separate afternoon or evening meeting just for church leaders on cultivating a gossip-resistant church.
Contact me today to discuss options for your event.
Questions Answered
What Is Gossip?
Why Do I Gossip?
How Can I Keep From Doing It?
What Can I Do Instead?
What Can I Do If I’ve Already Gossiped?
What Can I Do If I’m the Target of Gossip?
How Can We Cultivate a Gossip-Resistant Church?
Contact me today with your particular gossip-related question for me to address.
After attending the Resisting Gossip Seminar, participants should be able to:
- Recognize sinful gossip by utilizing a concise, memorable, biblical definition.
- Understand themselves and others better.
- List godly alternatives to gossip as well as godly motives for choosing these alternatives.
- Respond in love and faith when sneak-attacked by others.
- Articulate a basic vision for godly speech within your church or organization.
Next Steps
My time for presenting seminars is limited because I am a full-time local church pastor, but the generous folks at Lanse Free Church are also excited about sharing these biblical principles with others for the good of Christ's kingdom.
Contact me today for availability, costs, scheduling, and promotional information.
What People Are Saying
"Pastor Matt's seminar on gossip is an interactive, biblical, and eye opening experience. He brings to the forefront the daily challenges and compromises made as we interact with others, as well as God's desire and design for unity within the body of Christ. Matt meets his audience where they're at and challenges them to a higher standard. I highly recommend it to every believer." – Matt Cox, Executive Director of Miracle Mountain Ranch Missions Inc, homeschool father of 5.

"On a recent tour by the Moody Men's Collegiate Choir to the eastern United States, we had the privilege of presenting a concert at Lanse Evangelical Free Church. I was interested to hear of Pastor Matt Mitchell's thoughtful work on the subject of gossip and asked him if he would be willing to give a synopsis of his writing and teaching on this important issue before we left Lanse for our next commitment. No one, of course, is immune to the influence of gossip, regrettably it seems, whether on the "giving" end or the "receiving" end. I assumed that our choir men would be interested in hearing from Matt since he is an alumnus of Moody Bible Institute and, as an obviously effective pastor in Lanse, doing what many of them envision doing after they graduate from MBI. What I didn't adequately anticipate was how intensely captivated they were by Matt's presentation. All of us--and I include myself--were challenged to think anew about the admonition of Scripture regarding this malady which affects most human beings in one way or the other. It occurred to some of us in the choir that there are workshops about food addictions, out of control spending habits, and a plethora of other human pathologies which affect believers as well as unbelievers. Yet, gossip is relegated to maybe an occasional sermon or written essay when the Bible's teaching on this subject is explicit, quite unequivocal, and not all tucked away in more obscure portions of God's Word. I look forward to reading Resisting Gossip, and I encourage believers to hear Dr. Mitchell speak on this significant issue." – H.E. Singley, Moody Men's Collegiate Choir, Moody Bible Institute
"Pastor Matt Mitchell spoke in our high school Chapel service on the very relevant topic of gossip. He discussed why people gossip and how it hurts others. He engaged students in the discussion and encouraged them to think about their own behavior. We are eagerly awaiting his new book Resisting Gossip which will hopefully have an impact on our youth and the church in today's culture. We need this book!" – Jeff Spanogle, Administrator, Clearfield Alliance Christian School (2013 Faculty picture, Jeff is back row, third from the right.)
"I would recommend this workshop to any fellowship. This message really helps build healthy body life, and unity." – Donnie Rosie,
"When Matt and I first discussed the idea of him visiting my church to do a seminar on gossip, I was concerned that we would have a hard time drawing a crowd because of the subject matter. But we connected it to a sermon series on “sins of the tongue” and we discovered that it was a topic that just about everybody has an interest in. We sold a bunch of Matt’s books, and we had a very strong turnout for the Saturday morning seminar.
Matt makes the seminar fun and engaging while at the same time he lets God’s Word cut right to the heart of those in attendance. We are hopeful that this seminar will start a movement in which the people of our congregation begin to change the culture of conversation in their workplaces, in their families, and at our church!"
What People Are Saying
"Pastor Matt's seminar on gossip is an interactive, biblical, and eye opening experience. He brings to the forefront the daily challenges and compromises made as we interact with others, as well as God's desire and design for unity within the body of Christ. Matt meets his audience where they're at and challenges them to a higher standard. I highly recommend it to every believer." – Matt Cox, Executive Director of Miracle Mountain Ranch Missions Inc, homeschool father of 5.

"Pastor Matt Mitchell spoke in our high school Chapel service on the very relevant topic of gossip. He discussed why people gossip and how it hurts others. He engaged students in the discussion and encouraged them to think about their own behavior. We are eagerly awaiting his new book Resisting Gossip which will hopefully have an impact on our youth and the church in today's culture. We need this book!" – Jeff Spanogle, Administrator, Clearfield Alliance Christian School (2013 Faculty picture, Jeff is back row, third from the right.)
"I would recommend this workshop to any fellowship. This message really helps build healthy body life, and unity." – Donnie Rosie,

Matt makes the seminar fun and engaging while at the same time he lets God’s Word cut right to the heart of those in attendance. We are hopeful that this seminar will start a movement in which the people of our congregation begin to change the culture of conversation in their workplaces, in their families, and at our church!"
– Pastor Russell Muilenburg, Hope Reformed Church, Spencer, IA