Saturday, October 25, 2008

CCEF & Biblical Counseling

Want to know what I've been learning as I take my CCEF classes?

This month's 9Marks E-Journal is dedicated to doing just that!

These articles are by the faculty team at CCEF (Christian Counseling and Education Foundation).

Looking at the Past and Present of Counseling

An interview with David Powlison

Can biblical counseling draw from the Puritans? How are churches today doing at counseling? What is CCEF doing that's unique?

Cultivating a Culture of Counseling and Discipleship

An interview with Tim Lane

Tim Lane talks about counseling from the pulpit, the ideal church, recovery groups, promoting discipleship, and more.

Sorting Out the Spiritual and the Physical in Counseling

An interview with Michael Emlet

Former medical doctor and now CCEF instructor Michael Emlet discusses his own background and what pastors should make of the mind-body connection in their counseling.

Premarital Counseling, Pornography, and Marriage

An interview with Winston Smith

Today's buzzword for marriages is "compatibility." But counselors and couples need more wisdom than that, especially as pornography attacks marriage like never before.

What Should Pastors Do with Fear, Medication & Addiction

An interview with Ed Welch

Welch considers questions like, Should pastors give more thought to fear? Are psychiatric medications unbiblical? Should pastors keep their hands off the psychiatric issues?

And the motherload: an hour long audio interview with David Powlison!