Thursday, February 19, 2009

Staying Sharp in the Allegheny District

I'm attending our district's Stay Sharp conference this week at Waterdam Church in Canonsburg, PA.

Greg Strand, director of Biblical Theology and Credentialing for the EFCA, is leading us through a list of theological trends in evangelicalism that we need to "stay sharp" on and help our churches to develop discernment about.

Jim Culbertson has a run-down on the first session.

It's been really good.

Here are some of the resources Greg recommended:

DA Carson "What is the Gospel?" [manuscript pdf, audio]
Stan Guthrie All Monotheisms Are Not the Same (Responding to A Common Word)
Mike Andrus Outline "Drawing Doctrinal Lines: Where and How?"
Albert Mohler Theological Triage
Alfred Poirer The Cross and Criticism
Roger Nicole Polemic Theology: How to Deal with Those Who Differ From Us