Saturday, December 21, 2013

Deb Welch Reviews "Resisting Gossip"

Deb Welch has named Resisting Gossip to her top 20 books of 2013 and double starred it as part of her top 10 at her blog All Things New.

Deb has also posted a strongly encouraging review on GoodReads.

She notes some of the reasons why teaching on gossip has gotten a bad rap in our day and ends with a comparison of Resisting Gossip to Paul Miller's A Praying Life. In the middle, Deb shares her evaluation of the book and how it influenced her:
Into the void, steps Matt Mitchell with his thoroughly biblical handling, pastoral care, and positively convicting message. This is the kind of book that when one finishes reading, it is impossible to be the same again. The beginning part of the book helped me to grow in my understanding of my own sinful heart, putting aside my self-justification and rationalization. But alongside that positively convicting heart surgery, Matt's approach is truly to move toward walking in light and truth -- not for us to dwell in the spirit of condemnation. This book has completely changed my perspective on how I view, speak about and write about other believers, and the church.
Thanks, Deb! I'm so glad to hear that you found it biblical, helpful, and encouraging.