Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Editing Day

For those of you who have been following the story of Resisting Gossip, you'll remember that back in January, I submitted the manuscript to my editor to enter the homestretch to getting it published.

Over the weekend, I got the manuscript back with her notes and edits, all ready for me to review and interact with this week and next.

So today, I'm getting away to an "undisclosed location" with no wifi, no phone-service, and no other people-distractions to dig into the final substantial editing work before it goes off to proofreaders and typesetters and other exciting things. (By the way, I've seen the first draft of the cover, and I look forward to sharing it with you as soon as I can!)

Unfortunately, I've come down with a bad head-cold--pray that I would feel up to this and do my best.

Please pray for me as I bend my mind to this task. I can't wait to be through this part of the process.

Pray for peace and joy in the Holy Spirit and for His leading and guiding.

Pray that the end result would help Christians and strengthen the Church.


- Matt