Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Warming Up?

There are 47 more Tuesdays before December 1st (my deadline for my gossip project if I want to graduate in May of 2012).

I know that because I counted them this morning.  January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November...December.

47 Tuesdays for writing.

What am I going to do with this one?
I'm going to start in on my list from last week.

I was very encouraged this morning as I've been reading a book on writing, On Writing Well, by William Zinsser.  And just as I am confronted with the need to begin the actual writing, I read a chapter on...beginning the actual writing.   Thank you, Lord!

What am I doing here writing this?  Is it procrastination or warming up?

I think it's a little of both.

Thanks for praying for this whole process.