Sunday, October 14, 2007

Matt's Messages - Real Christians Are On a Real Mission

“Real Christians Are On a Real Mission”
Real Christians
October 14, 2007
Matthew 28:18-20

We’re still in our back-to-the-basics series of what it means to be honest-to-goodness, authentic, sincere, bona fide and true, Real Christians.

The first week, we were reminded of the first and most important mark of a real Christian: Real Christians Believe the Real Gospel.

Real Christians believe the saving Good News message of grace through Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection and are trusting in that gospel alone for the forgiveness of sins and the sure hope of eternal life. Real Christians Believe the Real Gospel.

The second and third messages talked about the fundamental changes that occur in Real Christians when they come to believe in that Real Gospel:

Real Christians (Come To) Really Love God,
And Real Christians (Come To) Really Love People.

The Gospel changes us from being god-haters and lovers of self to lovers of God and lovers of people made in His image.

Are you a Real Christian? I hope so!

Now, today, we’re going to learn this: When Real Christians come to believe the Real Gospel and their hearts are changed (not perfectly, but truly) to really love God and to really love people, then they come to accept that God has a Real Mission for each of them to be sent on.

“Real Christians Are On a Real Mission.”

And Matthew chapter 28 is the story of our Lord sending His followers on that Real Mission.

Chapter 28 is Matthew’s version of the Resurrection story. After Jesus died, He came back to life. He began to appear to his followers, first to the women, then to the rest of the disciples. And He promised to meet them in Galilee.

And He did meet them. At the end of the chapter, they are reuninted on a mountainside. Some worshipped Him right away, others took a little more convicing.

And then Jesus gave His disicples (and, by extension, us) these marching orders. Matthew chapter 28, verses 18 through 20. Familiar words, but listen to them:

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

This morning, I want to point out 3 Real Things about this Real Mission from these 3 verses.

[You’re going to hate that word “Real” by the time Christmas comes this year! I’m going to use it again and again and again.]

Three real things about this Real Mission.


Look again at verse 18. “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.’”

Now, that’s Real Authority!

“Authority is the right and power to hold sway in a given relationship” (What Jesus Demands from the Word, pg. 364).

And Jesus claims here to have ALL authority. A-L-L. And not just on Earth, which is quite a claim! But “in heaven and on earth.” That means everywhere.

All authority. Everywhere.

That’s what Jesus is claiming.

And it comes right on the heels of the resurrection.

Now, Jesus is God’s Son, and has always had all authority by being Who He is. But in some new and amazing sense, the Crucifixion and then the Resurrection took Jesus’ authority (which was already absolute!) to a whole new level!

The Father has conferred upon His Resurrected Son (it says “given”) absolute authority over everything (excepting Himself, 1 Cor. 15) in Heaven and on Earth.

That’s Real Authority! Do you believe that Jesus has that kind of absolute authority? I do. Jesus is King!

And it’s from that authority that Jesus gives us our mission. V.19


“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. THEREFORE, here is your mission...”

And you and I need to come to grips with this authority.

This Real Mission is not optional for Christians. The Great Commission that we are each asked to accept does not come to us as the “Great Suggestion.”

It comes to us with all of the authority that there is in all of the universe.

And all of God’s real children accept this mission for that reason.

Real Christians Are On a Real Mission.

What is the mission?


Look at v.19.

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

Now the word “go” and the words “baptizing” and “teaching” are all participles in the original Greek that modify and explain the main verb here which is the heart of the mission: making disciples.

Jesus’ marching orders for His followers after His resurrection can be summed up with these words: “Make Disciples.”

“Make more disciples for me.

You are my followers. Make more of you.

In fact, make followers out of all of the nations, the tribes, the people groups. Not just the Jews, but the peoples of all of the world. Make disciples out of them.

I have all authority. And I use it now to summon you to make disciples for me.”

That’s the mission.

It’s the mission that creates this church.
It’s the mission that drives our ministries.
It’s the mission that we are to give our lives to.

Our Real Mission Is to Make Real Disciples for Jesus.

Now, notice that I say, “Real Disciples.”

Jesus isn’t interested in faking disciples. He’s interested in making disciples.

He says that this consists of 2 things: “Baptizing” and “Teaching.”

V.19 “Make disciples of all nations [how?], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Real Disciples Are Baptized.

That is, Real Disciples are introduced to Jesus Christ and His Real Gospel. And when they come to put their faith in Him, they get baptized to show the world that they have become Real Disciples.

Baptism is the sign of inclusion in the New Covenant that was ratified with Jesus’ blood.

It symbolizes identification with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. And it paints a beautiful picture of new life in unity with Him.

And with His Father and with the Holy Spirit!

Notice the trinitarian nature of baptism. Baptized in “the name” (singular) “of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” One name...three persons.

Our God is Three in One and One in Three.

A mystery, yet a truth that is embodied in baptism.

Real Disciples Are Baptized.

And then they are taught. “Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them ... (verse 20) and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

Real Disciples Are Taught to Obey.

Notice here that we are called to make disciples, not just decisions.

Around here, we get very excited when someone makes a decision for Christ.

And rightly so! It’s the most important decision that anyone could ever make.

But for that decision to be real, it must be followed up by a lifetime of “learning to obey everything Jesus has commanded us.”

Not just decisions, but discipleship.

Because Real Christians Are Taught to Obey.

Notice that Real Christians aren’t just given information, but they are taught application!

“Taught to Obey.”

You will know if you are being discipled, if you are being taught to put what Jesus has said into action.

That’s why we emphasize application in all of our instructional ministries here at Lanse Free Church.

We have to be taught information. And good information!

But that’s not good enough. We must be taught to obey what Jesus had said to us.

A disciple is not a disciple who doesn’t follow!

A follower is not a follower who doesn’t follow!

Jesus isn’t interested in faking disciples, but in making real disciples.

That’s our Real Mission.

And here’s the best thing about it. We don’t have to do it alone.

We aren’t sent on this mission. We are taken on this mission by the Master. V.20

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."


Our Real Mission Comes From Jesus’ Real Authority.
And Our Real Mission Is to Make Real Disciples.
And on top of that, Our Real Mission Is Guaranteed to Succeed because of Jesus’ Real Presence with Us On Our Mission.

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Praise God! We aren’t sent on this mission alone.
We are taken on this Mission by the Master Himself.

If you are wondering if you can accept this mission, if you can handle it, if you can take it, don’t worry about whether or not you’ll be on your own.

You won’t.

This promise is specifically given to disciple-makers: Jesus will be with you.

By His Holy Spirit. And until He comes back to consummate His Kingdom!

“And surely, disciple-makers, I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

This mission will not fail. Jesus has said that the gates of Hell won’t prevail against it!

And that’s because Jesus Himself is leading the mission.

He’s really with us! And He’s taking us out on our real mission.

Isn’t that good news?

Real Christians are on a Real Mission with Him.

Now, before we’re done, we need to make this personal. We need to apply it.

And here’s the key question I want to ask each of us to ask ourselves:


Have you made the Great Commission, your mission in life?

I preached this text before in the Fall of 1998.

How many were here in the Fall of 1998?

Does anybody remember that sermon?

Let me jog your memory. As I was starting to preach that Sunday, the sound of a match went off and then a familiar soundtrack started to come over the loudspeakers.

Dumpt, Dumpt, Dumpt-Dumpt...Dumpt, Dumpt, Dumpt-Dumpt
Dumpt, Dumpt, Dumpt-Dumpt...Dumpt, Dumpt, Dumpt-Dumpt
Dannan, Dannan...Dunda...Dunda
Dannan, Dannan...Dunda...Dunda

And then, three teeangers, Steve Gibboney who is now married and a missionary in Thailand and Nate Weatherly who is now married and a missional photographer in Pittsburgh and Tom Fisch who is now married and studying missions in Chicago came running in from the back with fake guns and did somersaults down the aisle and acted like secret agents while the smooth announcer voice of Keith Folmar came over the loudspeaker and said: “Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. This mission will not self-destruct but will be successful until the end of the age.”

Anybody remember it now? We were all just kids then!

The key question is: “Have We Each Accepted Our Real Mission?”

Most of the time, when this text is read, we immediately jump on that word “nations” in v.19 and think that this is a missionary text with only application to missions.

But this is a text for each of us.

All authority has been given to Jesus.
All nations (which is just another name for people groups) are to be reached and discipled.
All things that Jesus has commanded are to be taught for obedience.
And Jesus is all the time going with His disciples on this mission.

This is a Real Mission for each and every one of Jesus’ Real Disciples.

Is it your mission?

How can you tell?

Well, first off, are you a real disciple yourself?

Have you meet Jesus and begun to trust Him for salvation?
Have you heard the Real Gospel and become a Real Christian?

Because you can’t be on Jesus’ mission unless you believe Jesus’ Gospel yourself.

I challenge you to learn about the Gospel and place your faith and trust in Jesus’ Crosswork and Resurrection.

And then, have you been baptized?

Because we’ve seen here in v.19 that Real Disciples are baptized as a outward sign of the inward reality of their faith in Christ. Real Disciples are Baptized.

If you haven’t been baptized yet as a faith-follower of Jesus Christ, I want to talk to you.

Why don’t you sign up for the Baptism class that we’re offering on October 25th here at the church? We’d love to have you.

And then, third, are you learning to obey everything that Jesus has commanded?

I just told the Uth boys on Wednesday nights that that’s what we’re trying to do them.

I told them that Coach Kerlin and I are trying to make them into disciples of Jesus Christ.

Not just to make a decision for Christ, but to become disciples of Christ.

How about you? Are you learning to obey everything that Jesus has commanded?

I’ve been reading John Piper’s newest book: What Jesus Demands from the World. And it’s basically just a list of what Jesus has commanded in the four gospels and some helpful explanations of how to begin to do that. I recommend it to you.

Disciples follow their Lord. It’s part of the very definition.

Someone who says that they believe but doesn’t follow, doesn’t really believe.

How about you? Are you a faith-follower of Jesus Christ, learning to obey everything that He has commanded?

Then you are a real disciple yourself.

And that means that you will be personally committed to fulfilling the Great Commission yourself!

Because one of the things that Jesus commands is that we make disciples.

That we accept our Real Mission. Have you accepted your Real Mission?

Let me get at it from this direction:

Are you willing to GO wheverever He sends you on this mission?

The main point of this passage is not “going.” But it raise the issue, doesn’t it?

There are nations to be reached with the gospel! People groups that haven’t heard, that don’t have the Bible in their language or a church among their city.

Are you willing to go wherever He sends you on this mission?

You realize that might mean a short-term missions trip. Roger Dorris is coming in just two weeks to get our church ready for short-term missions ministry.

You realize that may not be foreign missions at all? It may be across your yard.

Because the nations are not just over there. They are our neighbors.

The nations need to be reached.
And the neighbors need to be reached.

And we need to go to them.

That’s one of the reasons why I have decided to start delivering meals on wheels each week. I’ve signed up to deliver a hot meal to 20 senior citizens every Thursdays.

It turns out that meals on wheels deliverers are able to share their faith as they serve.

Now, I know that some of them will be Real Christians already. In fact, I think I’ll be delivering to some of you. But some will not be Real Christians.

And I’ve accepted my mission. I have to take the Gospel with me and make disciples wherever He sends me.

Are you doing that?

Are you introducing people to Jesus? Are you fishing?

Are you praying for lost people and looking for opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them?

Are you inviting people to faith and followership?

Are you making disciples?

Are you teaching someone to obey everything that Jesus has commanded?

Are you a part of what Jesus is doing in this world? Or are you just sitting there?

Going on a mission requires sacrifice.

If you are “missional” (meaning, centering your life on this Christ-given mission), then that’s going to mean giving some things up.

Maybe that means money, by becoming a District Church Planting Partner like Wally is talking about.

Or maybe that means time or something else.

On Friday night, I took my bride to see the Penn State players do a big musical theater production called Big River. Wow! Those young adults could really act and sing!

And it reminded me of how much I love the theater.

At one time, I had thought about trying to make a go of it as an actor myself.

[I know that’s hard to believe because of how shy and undramatic I am!]

I loved the attention and the thrill of acting out the story.

And along the way, I’ll probably do some more of that.

But I’ve come to realize that my part of the Great Commission is worth so much more than being the center of attention on the stage.

My part of this real mission calls on me to humble myself and serve others for the Gospel–not to draw men and women to myself.

Real Disciples Make Real Disciples and they give up whatever it takes to do it!

Have you accepted your real mission?

If you aren’t committed to making disciples yourself then I can’t give you any confidence that you are a Real Christian.

I’m not saying that everyone needs to be a missionary or a pastor.

I’m saying that everyone needs to be committed to the Great Commission.

Real Christians are on a Real Mission.

Now, remember, you don’t become a Real Christian by joining the Real Mission. It isn’t a work that earns you eternal life!

But if you are a Real Christian, you will accept your real mission.

We don’t have to do it on our own!

Jesus promises to go out with us. “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

We don’t have to do it on our own.

But we do have to do it.

Because He said so. And He has all authority.

“Dumpt, Dumpt, Dumpt-Dumpt...Dumpt, Dumpt, Dumpt-Dumpt”

Your mission, should you choose to accept it...and you’ll only know you are real if you to make real disciples for Jesus Christ.

Let’s get busy doing it.