Tuesday, October 01, 2019

"Anxiety: Knowing God's Peace" by Paul Tautges [Review]

My friend Paul knows anxiety.

He has lived with crippling anxiety that has at times been debilitating.

Paul also knows Jesus and has met Him in the midst of his anxiousness.

In his new devotional book (just released today!), Paul leads readers on a 31 day journey through (not around) anxiety into peace. His short daily readings are carefully written, encouraging yet realistic, and saturated with Scripture.

Paul offers no silver bullets (rats!) but also no false assurances that will leave readers disappointed. Instead, he gently points anxious people to the Person and promises of God.

I was encouraged to see how much attention Paul gave to the bodily dimension of anxiety. He recognizes the complex interplay between body and spirit, and while focusing on the soul does not discount the physical. He is open to the judicious use of medicine.

The point of the book is to know peace through knowing Christ, and that comes through on every page. It will reward reading and re-reading. Paul Tautges can be a faithful companion on this journey as he has walked the path himself. Recommended.