Monday, November 12, 2012

Blogs I Read: John Piper and Others at the Desiring God Blog

John Piper doesn't need me to introduce him, but I don't know if all of my readers read the Desiring God Blog.

It's actually a group-blog with multiple authors, some from within the DG ministry, and many from outside friends.

Piper tends to write something about weekly, and they post his sermons, too, but there is normally something new from others at least once per day.  (One of my favorites is Jon Bloom.)

The content is doctrinaly meaty and yet liveably practical.  I am normally encouraged or challenged (or both) by at least one post per week.

For example, last week, my former professor of preaching Mike Bullmore posted a meditation on training up the next generation.

In it, he opens up about his own temptations to just finish well on his own and in his own generation but not to think beyond his generation, and then he ends with some short but to-the-point applications:

Invest in the Next Gospel Generation

What will this look like? Let me suggest four possibilities. First, devote yourself to faithful gospel ministry, especially the ministry of the word. The best way to train men to faithfully preach the gospel is to faithfully preach the gospel. William Perkins wrote, “So, let every minister both in his teaching and in his conversation work in such a way that he honors his calling, so that he may attract others to share his love for it.”
Second, pay attention to the young men of various ages in your congregation. Notice how they receive your preaching. Notice how they process your preaching. Notice any deepening affections for God and his word. Keep your eyes open. 
Third, create contexts for the young men who catch your eye to practice and grow in their handling of the word.
Fourth, and this must not go unsaid, pray very specifically for God to raise up the next generation of gospel ministers. Pray for your replacement, but pray also for more than that. Pray with an eye, and a heart, toward the future and the continuing success of the gospel in the world, until Christ comes.
This is the kind of thing to expect on the DG blog.  I highly recommend it.