Wednesday, April 23, 2014

2014 EFCA Theology Conference

I'm slow, but I get there.

It's been almost 3 months since the EFCA held our 2014 Theology Conference on "Christian Faithfulness in a Changing Culture," but I just finished listening to all of the talks today.

I know that I can be prone to exaggeration, but I don't think it's hyperbole to say that this conference was simply excellent. From the pre-conference exploration of the Trinity (which I reported on earlier) to the lectures by various thought-leaders and also the panels where they interacted, I found myself encouraged, sharpened, and goaded on into better thinking and engagement.

All of the talks are available for download (and FREE, it's our middle name). I'd especially recommend the thoughts about race by Vincent Bacote, the church history informed talk by Jeffrey Bingham, and the incredibly positive and counter-intuitive perspective of Leith Anderson.

Thanks to Greg Strand and the rest of the leaders at the EFCA National office for creating this event--it's a labor of love.

I'm going to make an effort to go to next year's conference on the doctrine of the scriptures.