Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Today's Checkmarks

Didn't get as much done today as last time, but it was still a very productive day.

I definitely started in on my check list from last week.

Today's Checkmarks:
1.  Re-read my proposal as a master-checklist and noted all of the things I have done and haven't yet accomplished.  Strangely enough, it's the reading and research in the Bible about gossip that makes the biggest list of things unfinished.  Gotta get to work on that.

2.  Re-read all of the D.Min manuals, handbooks, and style-sheets.  Began formatting my introduction according to the proper guidelines.

3.  Started the master bibliography file.

4.  Added names to my list of critical readers.  Still need at least 5, 4 of them female.   I wrote emails asking several and found the phone number for another.

5.  Wrote the first sentence of Chapter One: Introduction and roughed in an outline of the rest.

6.  Finished organizing the books at my writing desk.  They are now in order of how they will be used in the project.  (Small gain but will be very useful.)
My first deadline is February 1 to submit Chapter One: Introduction to my adviser.  I think that's still do-able, but my next goal is March 1, to have my Chapter Two done, and that seems like a real stretch right now.

Thank you, again, to all who are praying me through this process!  See you next week.