Monday, December 24, 2012

Blogs I Read: Mike Wittmer's "Don't Stop Believing"

I love Mike Wittmer's blog.

Mike is a seminary professor and author of books with titles drawn from 80's and 90's pop culture.

He has written the best book I've ever read on the subject of death and the best book critiquing Rob Bell's Love Wins.

He is gracious, pointed, insightful, wise, and hilarious. I'm always elated to see a new post by Mike Wittmer in my RSS feed.

Consider this excerpt from a post last Summer entitled "Wrecked":


The steering wheel of my riding mower was smashed last week when I:

a)      Mowed the lawn while texting.

b)      Hooked a chain to the steering wheel to pull a dead tree stump out of the ground.

c)      Became entangled with my children’s swing set and flipped the mower upside down.

The embarrassing answer became a new entry for Our Daily Journey, which I post below. One positive from this experience is that I now know I have no fear of death. I remained calm while the accident was happening and after righting the mower and changing its oil and air filter, I put the cutting deck back on and finished cutting the lawn. So apparently I’m ready to go.

One negative is that I’ve been telling my son all summer that it’s time for him to begin mowing the lawn. He said he is too afraid and I told him there is nothing to worry about. Now it seems he has won the argument.

The other negative is that I’ve lost the moral high ground with my wife. She has a free pass to make any mistake she wants. She could run the air conditioning with all the windows open, put a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the basement just to see who wins, or bring home only the front half of a buy one/get one free offer. If I protest, all she has to do is raise an eyebrow and ask me about The Incident. I’m not sure what the statute of limitations are for these things, but I’m about to find out.


What's even better is how he goes on his post to link this story to mistakes we make in life--thinking that we could never fall into sin ourselves and letting our guards down.

If you enjoy this kind of wry humor mixed with spiritual application, I recommend Mike's blog to you.