Friday, January 11, 2013

Blogs I Read: Dan Holmquist's "Just Get on the Plane"

Daniel Holmquist and I went to Trinity together. He became an EFCA pastor around the same time I did, and we have run into each other at EFCA events over the last 15 years.

Recently, Dan took on a new mission in life as a area leader with ReachGlobal, the international ministry arm of EFCA.

"Just Get on the Plane" is Dan's urgent yet winsome goad to believers in Jesus Christ to fulfill the Great Commission, and that's what he writes about.

His latest post, "Scrambling to Fill the Banquet Hall" from Luke 14, exemplifies what you will find if you read Dan's blog:

God the Father desires a full Banquet in the coming Kingdom of the Messiah to show off the extravagance of His generosity to a large multitude from every people.  But, notice that now the “servant” needs to “compel” people.  These people will need even more urging because they are ignorant of the Host’s identity, and His wealth and His generosity!  
We will have to elaborate in detail and with exuberance--in order to be “compelling.”  So, it would be good to think about:  What excites you about the Kingdom?  About living as a Christ-follower?  About being in the Church of our Great and Awesome God?!  
There are still openings, and so we must go and invite others!  Our task from this passage should be obvious, that we as the new “servants” are to go out far and wide, find people and “compel them to come in” to the Banquet Hall of salvation and the Kingdom of God.
I encourage you to read Dan's "Just Get on the Plane," but, if you do, be ready to be challenged to get the mission done.


Fun story: if you ever run into Dan, ask him about the time my buddy Kipp and I juggled clubs around Linda when she was pregnant with baby #5 of 6 (I think).


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