Thursday, February 07, 2013

Blogs I Read: The Gospel Coalition Blog

The Gospel Coalition is the brainchild of D.A. Carson (to whom I have a great theological debt) and Tim Keller.  It's a little hard to explain what TGC is because it does so much. To get a feel for it, I recommend reading through their foundational documents.

Among other things, they have a content rich website, a big conference every other year, a theological journal, and a network of really good blogs.

Their main blog is a group blog with many contributors, and the quality is very high. Topics range all over the place but they always come back to the good news of Jesus Christ. 

What surprises me is how often they post something that I NEED right then!

For example, I have an appointment soon to talk about several theological issues with folks I am shepherding. Among them--baptism (and "re-baptism) and the role of women in ministry.

Well, when I first made the appointment, what was in my RSS Reader?

Women Are Worthy by Fabienne Harford.  Fabienne tells her story of discovering complementarianism:
I believed the common misconception that to be complementarian meant embracing a destiny of sitting in the corner being docile and quiet. And I was embarrassed because I'm just not the quiet and docile type, and I couldn't help but notice that teaching, prophecy, and knowledge aren't always the most beneficial skills during the church bake sale.
Thank the Lord that I work for a church that demolished those misconceptions for me.
Very helpful.

And what about the question of re-baptism?

Just today, TGC posted two different answers to the question, "Should I Get Rebaptized?"

Both articles were winsome, articulate, and balanced even while strongly advocating their positions.

(For the record, I agree with the Credobaptist, but I don't think we should cut fellowship over this.  In fact, I minister in a denomination where we are allowed to hold strong and differing opinions on this and have agreed to not fight about it.)

These short, well-written articles have helped prepared me for my appointment.

Today, I was asked, "How's Your Bible Reading Going?" and given lots of fuel to get it jumpstarted again.

And what about the SuperBowl half-time show?  What do you think about that?

I highly recommend TGC Blog.