Thursday, March 28, 2013

Finished "Bound Together"

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Bound Together by my online friend Chris Brauns.

It's now my "go to" book for a brief and practical explanation of the doctrines of original sin and union with Christ. Bound Together is a great introduction to those big ideas and also brings them together in eye-opening ways.

I didn't get all of my questions answered about how solidarity works (especially in tension with a healthy individuality), but I'm more convinced than ever of the truth of solidarity and more thankful than ever, as well, because "the rope of the gospel is stronger than the rope of original sin."

Bound Together has helped me to see the world more clearly and make sense of things I feel but can't put into words.  For example, Chris recently posted on how the lottery costs our culture a lot more than $2. That's the "principle of rope" at work.

There's still time to take his quiz and get a free copy for yourself.

Or buy one for yourself and one for your pastor.